Meet Neathery Brenzel
Meet our newest agent, Neathery Brenzel, and find out what she's most passionate about.
You want to find out what I'm passionate about? Stay tuned.
Welcome back to Stay Focused, Focus Real Estate's weekly video series. I'm Neathery, and I'm with Focus Real Estate. I'm a realtor here. I'm not new to real estate, but I am new to Focus. When I learned this year that Focus Real Estate's vision is to make a positive difference in people's lives, I thought, "Wow, that's what I'm about. That's where I want to work." Making a positive difference is one of the most rewarding parts of my job and my life. I'm deeply committed to Boston public schools. I volunteer in lots of different committee and I really love working with those communities and lifting those people up and making a positive difference. You can ask my kids. I'm making a positive difference in their life every day.
As a real estate agent, clients come into you at the beginning of their dream and you work with them through the whole process, leading and assisting them, providing them expertise and the knowledge that they need to succeed, and then you're with them until the end when they realize and achieve their goals. It's great. I love that.
I remember working with this one client. She had this little condo in the city that she'd saved and worked really hard to keep up with. She'd raised her whole family, all her children, her grandchildren there. She was retiring and had a pension. She'd accumulated this little bit of wealth and she asked me to help her turn that into a single family, outside the city. We worked together. We worked tirelessly to put that together and find her a home. When we put that deal together and we closed on that house and we moved her in that day, it was a total thrill. It was amazing. To be with her and her family, and to see her face, and the peace that she had and the excitement to know that this was her place, her yard, her driveway, her fireplace, and that she could rest there for the rest of her days, what a delight. How lucky am I? That's my job; to work with people to achieve their goals. I love it. I love my job. To this day, I still know her. We still talk and, pre-COVID, had met for pancake lunches and prayed for each other's families. I'm really blessed. I'm blessed to be good at what I do and I'm blessed to do it here at Focus Real Estate.
That's what I'm passionate about. I'm passionate about leading and guiding people to achieve their goals and realize their dreams. If I can help you realize your dreams, reach out. I'm here. Thanks for watching. Stay a tuned and stay focused.