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Thinking About Selling? Put Bunny to Work for You

Bunny Cecchetto

Bunny Cecchetto's career in real estate and architecture spans over 30 years. Bunny has many strengths that have proven succe...

Bunny Cecchetto's career in real estate and architecture spans over 30 years. Bunny has many strengths that have proven succe...

Aug 10 5 minutes read

Veteran Real Estate Agent Bunny Cecchetto reveals her strategy for helping you sell your home.


How I sell your home. Today, I'm going to talk about the ultimate seller's market. Wow, unprecedented, those are the two words that I have. You may have heard of what it's been like. Our market usually starts about mid-March, well, this year it started in January and by mid-March, the lines were out the doors. So, that meant that we had unprecedented number of buyers and unprecedented number of offers on a property, going way over asking. So, what does this mean? It is a terrific time to sell your home. So, just because it's a sellers market, doesn't mean that you can take the market for granted. You need to be strategic in how you sell your home. So, I want to tell you how I am strategic. With 20 years of selling properties, I've really tuned my skills.

One is pricing. Be strategic how you price your house. The original owner doesn't realize that the market shifts every three months or every four months. Every season is different. And how realtors price a house is they go back three months and they look at the past sales. So, if you're going to sell your house now, be careful. Please do not overprice your house. We have been in such an unprecedented market, our buyers are a bit burnt out and also a bit skeptical. Because think about it, they're paying higher prices, maybe five to 15% over what the list price is. So, price your house to create value in your house. Number two, prepare your house for sale. This is a very important step in selling your house. And when I first meet with sellers, I talk about their goals. People have different goals. I work with people that are in probate and they say, "Bunny, we're selling it as is."

And I say, "Great. I'll hire a professional house cleaner, a landscaper, and we'll make it shine the best we can." And then I have sellers that say to me, "Bunny, I want the most I can get out of the house," which I totally understand. And I say to them, "What are you willing to do?" And they say, "We want to refinish, we want to paint, we want to do the floors over, we want to do staging." And I'm like, "Game on. I love it." It's an important step. Next is marketing. Marketing is also extremely important. And marketing is actually an equation, it's marketing equals exposure. Exposure equals how many buyers see your property, equals how many buyers come to your house and how many offers you get.

I have an outstanding photographer that I work with. We have a superb marketing team here at Focus that we continually go above and beyond, and our numbers show it at the open house. When we meet, I'll tell you some of my inside tricks, I can't tell them online. Next is creating confidence with buyers. So, what I mean by that is, is that a buyer has to feel confident when they make an offer to purchase, for them to go above and beyond what they may have originally expected. So, what this means is that when I sell a house, I know a house inside and outside. I mean that, I know all the details, I know the maintenance schedule, I know the year of all the systems, I know what the utility costs are. I can tell people what their operating costs are going to be for a house. People think about that.

And I also tell them all about the neighborhood, about the school systems, how long it takes to get to the train. So, when they leave my open house or my appointment, they feel solid about the information they got. And then the final stage is negotiating the sale and doing the details of closing out the sale. I am able to negotiate your price and the terms for my sellers. And then I have a great team of attorneys that I work with, a mortgage broker is able to help with all the finishing details to the sale. So, let me take my skills and work for you. If you were thinking about selling your house or your friends are family are, I would love to help. Stay tuned and stay focused.

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